As you wander the wasteland of Appalachia, you may notice what looks like an oddly dressed ghoul stumbling down the cracked pavement toward you. It’s actually a Scorched, which isn’t anything special, but lately you might’ve seen them dressed in holiday attire. The bright red and white frock of a Scorched Wanderer stands out in the bleak post-apocalypse, and if you manage to beat your fellow survivors to the punch, you can actually farm Holiday Scorched in Fallout 76 for fantastic rewards. Why would you want to? Well, read on.
Here is where to farm Holiday Scorched until August 6, 2024, when the event ends!
Where to farm Holiday Scorched
First and foremost, to identify Holiday Scorched, look for bright colors, especially red and white jackets and dresses. When you’re near one of the festive enemies, they’ll jingle with holiday music. Honestly, they’re tough to miss.
But most importantly, you must farm the right locations, such as:
Morgantown Airport (Exterior)
Tyler County Fairgrounds
Bolton Greens
Wavy Willard’s Water Park
Camden Park
You’re likely to stumble upon Festive Scorched in any point of interest where normal Scorched usually spawn, but these six locations tend to have the most luck.
Screenshot: Bethesda / Kotaku
That said, they’re also the most highly frequented by the community. You may wind up traveling to Morgantown Airport, as I did this morning, only to find the entire camp clear of all enemies. Then, the same thing happened at Bolton Greens. People want to participate in this event, seemingly more so than usual, so expect company.
Alternatively, if you subscribe to Fallout 1st, you can enter a Private World. It’s the best way to farm Holiday Scorched without competing with an entire server of interested players.
How to craft Holiday Gifts yourself
Screenshot: Bethesda / Kotaku
As mentioned earlier, instead of farming Holiday Scorched, you can craft Holiday Gifts yourself. First, you must purchase Gift Wrap from train station vendors or Grahm. They’ll sell you:
Low-Quality Gift Wrap
Medium Quality Gift Wrap
High-Quality Gift Wrap
These items prove rather expensive, though. For instance, the High-Quality Gift Wrap may cost upwards of 2,000 caps or more, and the potential rewards vary significantly.
Once you have Gift Wrap, visit the Tinker’s Workbench at your C.A.M.P. to craft a Holiday Gift. You will need to spend resources, along with the Gift Wrap, so prep your stockpile of materials beforehand!
Plans you can score from Holiday Gifts
While regular rewards are fine, like the occasional piece of apparel or a handful of grenades, we all want plans for better gear, right? You can score numerous fantastic plans from the Holiday Gifts, including:
Plan: .44 Blue Camo Paint
Plan: Barbed Wire Fences
Plan: Behemoth Plushie
Plan: Blue Camo Power Armor Paints
Plan: Brahmin Plushie
Plan: Condemned Notification Sign
Plan: Deer Skull
Plan: Molerat Wind Chime
Plan: Mounted Deathclaw Head
Plan: Mounted Feral Ghoul Head
Plan: Mounted Frog
Plan: Mounted Glowing One Head
Plan: Mounted Gorilla Head
Plan: Mounted Honey Beast
Plan: Mounted Mega Sloth
Plan: Mounted Mirelurk Claw
Plan: Mounted Mirelurk Hunter Head
Plan: Mounted Mirelurk King Head
Plan: Mounted Mothman
Plan: Mounted Mutant Hound Head
Plan: Mounted Radscorpion
Plan: Mounted Radtoad
Plan: Mounted Scorchbeast
Plan: Mounted Snallygaster
Plan: Musket Stack Monument
Plan: Nuka Girl Area Rug
Plan: Princess Castle Pink Sleeping Bag
Plan: Red Rocket Gas Pump Wall Lamp
Plan: Red Rocket Gas Station Lamp
Plan: Red Rocket Ceiling Light
Plan: Santa Crash
Plan: Sitting Gorilla
Plan: Standing Gorilla
Plan: Tattered Curtains
Plan: Vault 51 Jumpsuit
Plan: Vintage Water Cooler
Plan: Wall Mounted Fan
Plan: Winter Icicle Lights
Considering the rarity of many crafting plans, it makes plenty of sense why everyone is farming the Holiday Scorched Event in Fallout 76 . You have until August 6, 2024 to score as many Holiday Gifts as possible, so delve into Appalachia and start slaying!