Today's NYT Wordle Hints, Answer and Help for Jan. 17, #1308 – CNET

Looking for the most recent Wordle answer? Click here for today’s Wordle hints, as well as our daily answers and hints for The New York Times Mini Crossword, Connections, Connections: Sports Edition and Strands puzzles.

Today’s Wordle puzzle doesn’t have terribly rare letters, as determined by our list ranking the most-used letters in the alphabet. The first letter in today’s answer is the least used of the five letters, and even it isn’t too far down on the list. So you might have no problems today, but if you need hints and the answer, read on.

Today’s Wordle hints

Before we show you today’s Wordle answer, we’ll give you some hints. If you don’t want a spoiler, look away now.

Wordle hint No. 1: Repeats

Today’s Wordle answer has no repeated letters.

Wordle hint No. 2: Vowels

There are two vowels in today’s Wordle answer.

Wordle hint No. 3: Start letter

Today’s Wordle answer starts with the letter P.

Wordle hint No. 4: Ending

Today’s Wordle answer ends with a vowel.

Wordle hint No. 5: Meaning

Today’s Wordle answer describes written or spoken language, but not poetry.


Today’s Wordle answer is PROSE.

Yesterday’s Wordle answer

Yesterday’s Wordle answer, Jan. 16, No. 1,307, was FLINT.

Recent Wordle answers

Jan. 12, No. 1,303: TOTAL

Jan. 13, No. 1,304; CLOAK

Jan. 14, No. 1,305: FANCY

Jan. 15, No. 1,306: KNACK

Will Wordle run out of words?

When Wordle began, creator Josh Wardle used a list of five-letter words he’d shared with his partner, picking only the words they recognized. While that’s more than 2,000 words, more than half of them have already been used.

Wordle editor Tracy Bennett admitted that the game will eventually have to come to grips with the fact that the word list is not eternal.

“One possibility is that we could recycle old words at some point, like when we get close to the end,” Bennett told a Wordle player on TikTok.

She also said the editors might throw all the words back in and reuse them, or allow plurals, or past tense, something that’s not done now.

Bennett hasn’t commented on it, but it seems possible Wordle could expand to six-letter words, too. Options abound.

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