Samsung’s AI TV will help you cook that delicious dish on your screen

  • Samsung TVs will use AI to identify dishes on-screen and find recipes.
  • The technology links with the Samsung Food app.
  • The feature links with meal planning, grocery list-making, and related features.

A delicious meal on TV can make your mouth water even if you have no idea how to make it. Samsung wants to turn that craving into action using AI through its new TVs and the Samsung Food app. The feature uses AI vision to recognize food on the screen and fetch you the recipe.

Say you’re watching a cooking show, and someone pulls a steaming beef bourguignon out of the oven. With Samsung Food enabled, your TV can recognize that dish and suggest a recipe so you can make it yourself. It doesn’t stop there—Samsung Food on TV can also display updates on grocery or takeout orders placed through its mobile app. While you won’t be stirring the pot from the comfort of your couch, this kind of integration aims to make cooking more accessible and engaging.

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