While infiltrating the museum in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle’s Vatican City, you have the chance to solve a problem for the local Blackshirts: They’ve been sent a chest they can’t open due to their misunderstanding of their own password protocols. Here’s how you can beat them at their own game.
The local museum in Vatican City is locked down when you first arrive, and the one point of entry is hidden behind the Blackshirts’ campsite. The easy way to get inside is to steal a Blackshirt disguise from their laundry, which is in a part of the map that becomes available after you meet Gina for the first time.
Once you get through the Blackshirts’ camp, you can enter the museum courtyard. There’s usually at least one captain on patrol here who can see through your disguise, but most of the local fascists are too bored to notice you. This is a good opportunity to ransack their tents for cash, and you’ll happen across “A Date to Remember” along the way.
Enter the radio tent on the northeast side of the courtyard. Incidentally, there’s a sleeping Blackshirt here with a fly swatter next to him, which makes this area a great place to unlock the Pest Control achievement.
Next, pick up 3 Mystery Notes–the Code Lookup Table, Calendar Page, and Secret Delivery Letter–from around the tent. The Calendar Page is a little easy to miss, but it’s on the desk next to the radio and typewriter.

Taken together, these three papers tell a story: The Blackshirts receive regular shipments here in trunks that are locked behind a 4-digit cipher that’s based on the day of the week. However, today’s code (DICE) doesn’t seem to work.
The answer to this puzzle is painfully simple, but does involve an intuitive leap. We’ll go through it step by step.

The reason the Blackshirts are so confused is because they’ve tried to derive the code from the day the package arrived and not the day on which it was sent.
If you look at the Secret Delivery Letter, it says plainly that the package was sent on October 15, which is a Friday (Venerdi, or Ven., in Italian). These dopes have been trying to open the trunk on the assumption that it’s locked with October 20’s code.
If you run the code, DICE, through the Friday column on the Code Lookup Table, you get the actual code: 6380.

Input that into the trunk to solve the Mystery. Your rewards include a book on Vatican Medicine, which labels any remaining Medicine Bottles in Vatican City on your map; the final note for this Mystery, Giovanni’s Letter; 10 lira; and 100 extra Adventure Points.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is available now on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox Game Pass, and PC via Steam.