Fuji Upcoming Cameras 2025 – 2026 « NEW CAMERA

According to recent rumours, Fuji’s next announcement is the Fuji X-E5, which could be in the summer of 2025.

Fuji X-E5 Specifications

The Fuji X-E5 is said to feature the same 40-megapixel X-Trans 5 sensor that we have seen in most of the Fuji cameras nowadays, as well as X-Processor 5. This is the standard update to the existing X-E4 camera.

Fujifilm Fujica Half 35mm film camera

Upcoming Half-Frame Camera with a 1-Inch Sensor

Friends, this is not all for 2025. We will also have a half-frame camera featuring a 1-inch sensor. The exact purpose of this half-frame camera is still unknown. We will shed more light on it once we get some solid details related to the camera and its core specifications. But right now, what we know is that it’s coming in 2025 with a 1-inch sensor—that’s all we know.

Wrap-Up of 2025 Announcements

So now, that wraps up the 2025 announcements, and now we will move forward and talk about the possibilities of 2026.

Camera Model Type Expected Date Key Features
GFX100RF Fixed-lens Medium Format March 2025 100MP sensor, 35mm F4 lens, no IBIS, size similar to X-Pro3, aspect ratio dial, crop zoom lever
X-E5 Mirrorless (APS-C) Summer 2025 Likely 40MP sensor, X-Processor 5, rangefinder design, details TBA
GFX Eterna Cinema Camera 2025 102MP medium format sensor, X-Processor 5, native G mount with PL adapter, 4K open gate, dual base ISO
Half-frame Camera Compact (?) 2025 1-inch sensor, possible dual-image features, details TBA

Recent GFX Camera Announcements

Recently, we witnessed the announcement of the GFX 100 RF camera as well as GFX Eterna, the medium-format cinema camera. So now, Fuji has introduced both a compact camera with a 28mm F4 fixed lens for photographers and a cinema camera. Both of them use the 102-megapixel medium-format sensor.

No Further 102MP GFX Announcements for 2026

That means there will be a pause in further GFX series announcements for 7 to 8 months. So, for next year, we are certain that no further 102-megapixel medium-format camera is coming.

Before We Move Forward to 2026, let understand the development and announcement pattern of X-Trans CMOS sensors

If we look at historical trends, Fuji uses flagship models to introduce new  new sensor generations, like the X-H or X-Pro series, such as X-Trans V with X-H2S and X-H2. Thus, it’s plausible that X-Trans VI could appear in a new X-Pro 6 or X-H3 or X-T6, expected in early 2026

Generation Introduction Date First Camera
X-Trans I January 9, 2012 X-Pro1
X-Trans II January 7, 2013 X100S
X-Trans III January 15, 2016 X-Pro2
X-Trans IV September 6, 2018 X-T3
X-Trans V HS May 31, 2022 X-H2S
X-Trans V HR September 8, 2022 X-H2
X-Trans VI Predicted: Late 2025 – Early 2026 Fuji will use Flasghip models like X-Pro6, X-T6 or X-H3

HS for speed and HR for resolution

Research suggests that Fujifilm’s X-Trans VI sensor is likely to arrive in late 2025 to early 2026, based on historical intervals of 2.5 to 3 years between generations and the introduction of X-Trans V in 2022

Big QUestion is Which Flagship Model will be selected 

Fuji X-Pro 6 with X-Trans 6

First of all, we are expecting an update of the Fuji X-Pro series camera in the first or second quarter of 2026. As we have seen in the recent interview, the general manager has said, “Of course, we can put the X-Processor 5 and the new X-Trans sensor in an X-Pro3 and call it X-Pro4, but that’s boring,” Igarashi says. 

That clearly indicates they are either planning a brand new sensor for the new X-Pro series. Since it’s a flagship series, it may introduce a new X-Trans 6 sensor or X-Processor 6 in the upcoming X-Pro 6 camera.

And if this happens, then Fuji will allow the Fuji X-Pro 6 camera to gain as much market share as possible, and in that time span, they will not announce another camera with the same sensor in a lower price range (peak sales period of a camera is generally considered for 6 to 7 months).

So, if Fuji X-Pro 6 arrives with a new X-Trans VI sensor then for sure Fuji X-T6 scheduled announcement plan will get delayed.

Scheduled Announcement Pattern – Fuji X-T6 Should Arrive in 2026, but…

The Fuji X-T5 camera was announced in November 2022. Based on the online pattern of the X-T series camera, which has been quite consistent for the past 6 to 7 years, the next X-T series camera, the Fuji X-T6, will be announced in late 2025 or early 2026.

But again, if the Fuji X-Pro 6 camera arrives with a brand new sensor, then Fuji may delay the update of their X-T6 camera until late 2026 or maybe early 2027 to protect the sales of the X-Pro 6.

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