Colossal Order CEO Mariina Hallikainen has responded to several community questions, which mostly just ask when players will be able to enjoy modding and why it wasn’t available at release.
“The biggest regret we have is that modding support is not yet available for the game,” Hallikainen said in an official Paradox Forum blog post. “We have been working on it since the beginning of the project, and the intent was to have it fully ready at release. Code modding support, map, and asset editing were all planned to be fully usable and mods shareable in one place. We still believe that offering modding support makes any game better and that the tools and mods should be available for all players to enjoy at no additional cost.”
It seems as if modding support was intended for the initial release date towards the end of 2023 but was unfortunately sidetracked to make time for the team to fix the numerous issues that occurred around the release. However, now the city-building simulation game is in a better place, Hallikainen has reassured players that the team will look into modding support next.
“We’ll be communicating more on the status of the modding soon,” Hallikainen explained in the blog post. “It’s not an ideal situation, but we are committed to keep working on this part of the game because it means so much to you and to us. “A Colossal Order game is a moddable one” is a promise we have made to ourselves years ago and work very hard to keep.”
Hallikainen also touches on some other issues in the blog post, such as why the team has moved away from weekly patches. While weekly patches are great, they are too heavy for a team of 30 to keep up with. Instead, Colossal Order has been building deliveries and QA rounds so they can get to the heart of the issue quickly. Hopefully, now modding support is on the dev’s radar, there won’t be much longer to wait until we finally get some good news.
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